

几十年来一直需要一个学生中心, and 沃拉沃拉大学 can no longer afford to wait to make this a reality. Now’s the time to invest in a space to protect and sustain our unique ability to build community. 在你的帮助下, we will completely transform 65-year-old Kellogg Hall cafeteria building into 学生生活和事工中心.


  • 将关键任务服务和任务部门搬到凯洛格大厅, 学生们每天自然聚集在哪里.
  • Create a campus “living room” for important social learning activities such as student government, 敬拜, 庆祝活动, 服务机会和餐饮.
  • Offer strategically planned collaborative spaces to strengthen student leadership and service opportunities, 提高协作和创造性思维.
  • Encourage even more in-person participation in clubs and activities, and enhance socialization.


Community, that collective belonging we all crave, is something that God created us for. 澳门线上博彩官网在一起对他很重要. 学生们需要一个聚在一起的地方. 

如果你走进Atlas, 澳门线上博彩官网的书房, 你会发现学生主持会议或学习小组, 人们徘徊在柜台边聊天. The Atlas draws students because it has a warmth that reminds us of home. 但它很快就会被填满.

ASWWU活动是校园生活的重要组成部分, yet we struggle to find venues that are large enough because our current Student Association Center and the Atlas are 太 small to hold our events. 这一点在周五晚上尤为明显, 当学生, 尤其是那些住在宿舍里的学生, 晚祷后没地方可去. 在回应, 澳门线上博彩官网的精神团队创造了“安息日叹息”,” a gathering in Bowers Hall for friends to spend time together after vespers. 但这个空间并不理想,而且是暂时的.

One of the most fun parts of being ASWWU president is simply 工作ing side-by-side with my team in the office, 一个留给澳门线上博彩官网的小空间. But the space is 太 small, and physically separate from other student leaders. 

澳门线上博彩官网在世界女子大学感到一种强烈的凝聚力. Yet none of the current settings are sufficient to meet the need for a communal space on our campus. 解决方案, 学生生活和事工中心, would create a central place where 工作 and life could mix for all students. Today’s students are still recovering from the loneliness of the pandemic, and our underclassman are more enthusiastic than ever to be engaged on campus. The SLMC would harness this enthusiasm and help rebuild a thriving campus life. 

I’ve experienced the joy of collective belonging at 沃拉沃拉大学, and it’s up to us to ensure every student that steps on this campus can experience that, 太. 

Annaliese Grellmann

沃拉沃拉大学是一个家外之家. 学生们一年中的大部分时间都在校园里度过, 这意味着让大学有家的感觉非常重要. One similarity between homes is they all have a living room that is used to socialize and relax.

目前,WWU没有客厅, and the 学生生活及事工中心 (SLMC) is an amazing opportunity to provide that space. This will allow students to socialize, de-stress, and provide a central place for our WWU family. This project will liven WWU’s campus and facilitate an even larger feeling of togetherness on campus. I fully support this project and believe that it will have a huge positive impact on campus.

Campus life at 沃拉沃拉大学 is centered around a vibrant and active student body, made up of individuals who crave meaningful connection and conversations. As a student leader, I experienced firsthand the powerful impact of bringing people together. Friendships are formed, ideas are born, and the school is drawn closer together
when time and space is facilitated and protected for students to interact. The SLMC will make a tremendous impact on campus as it will provide a space—outside of classes, 工作, and residence halls—where students can gather and mingle in a convenient and organic way. It will centralize services that are currently distributed in varying areas of campus; this will benefit students by focusing student life activities on one vibrant heart. The focus on service and ministry provides the essential underlying why of our institution, 这个空间为这个目的提供了一个成长的空间.

在我担任ASWWU主席期间, a common request among students was to create more spaces for informal interactions, 既用于学习,也用于社交. The SLMC addresses this need well and promises to further facilitate a 沃拉沃拉大学 culture where strong friendships and connections not only complement but fuel a rich learning environment.

I always longed for a space dedicated to cultivating friendships and social growth at 沃拉沃拉大学. 作为一名大一学生, 我和朋友们在教室里看电影, 在宿舍大厅里玩桌游, 并在学生家里举办了余辉晚会. Creativity was almost a requirement when it came to finding physical spaces to support our need for socialization. 这不是一个新主题. Notes taken from ASWWU Presidents from the last 10 years highlight the need for providing a space for students to interact and get involved within our campus community. 我相信SLMC将解决这一需求. Encompassing many student-oriented opportunities on campus such as ASWWU, 学术俱乐部, 和校园事工, the SLMC will provide a conveniently placed space for students to spend time together and be presented with opportunities to further get involved.

My experience at 沃拉沃拉大学 has shown me the importance of surrounding yourself with people who can understand you, 挑战你, 但我安慰你. The idea of finding a community that allows you to be yourself opens doors for lifelong friendships, 灵命成长, 精神补充. This community that WWU provides is one of our alma mater’s greatest strengths, and the SLMC would only complement that ideology by providing a space for this kind of growth to happen.

For more information about the transformation plan and how to support it, contact us at:

特洛伊·帕泽-校友副总裁 & 发展服务
(509) 527-2586


Dorita Tessier -礼品策划总监
(509) 527-2646

